Shopify vs Amazon: Which Ecommerce Platform Should You Sell On?

Shopify vs Amazon: Which Ecommerce Platform Should You Sell On?

We look at the pros and cons of Shopify vs Amazon and consider which is the best choice for online sellers.

In the ever-expanding digital marketplace, two giants stand out: Amazon and Shopify. Both platforms have revolutionized the way we think about retail, but they cater to different types of sellers and business models. If you're pondering where to set up your online store, understanding the key differences between Shopify vs Amazon is crucial. This comprehensive comparison will help you decide which ecommerce platform is the best fit for your business needs.

Understanding the basics

Amazon is a colossal online marketplace that connects sellers with a global customer base. It's known for its vast product range, customer trust, and sophisticated logistics network. Sellers can list products directly on Amazon’s platform, benefitting from its enormous traffic and established reputation.

Shopify, on the other hand, provides a platform for building your own independent online store. It's a comprehensive ecommerce solution that gives sellers complete control over their shop's design, functionality, and customer experience. Selling on Shopify is ideal for brand-building and creating a unique online presence.

Amazon: the marketplace giant


Massive customer base: Amazon has a vast, global audience. This provides unparalleled exposure for your products.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): The Amazon FBA service handles storage, packing, and shipping for sellers, making logistics much easier.

Built-in trust: Consumers trust Amazon, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Prime eligibility: Products fulfilled by Amazon are eligible for Prime, which can significantly boost sales due to customer preferences for fast shipping.


High competition: The Amazon marketplace is highly competitive. Standing out can be challenging, especially for new sellers.

Fees: Amazon charges a variety of fees, including listing fees, fulfillment fees, and referral fees, which can eat into profit margins.

Limited branding: Customizing your product listings is limited. There's little scope for brand-building within Amazon's platform.

Strict policies: Amazon has stringent policies and guidelines that sellers must adhere to, and failure to comply can result in account suspension.

Shopify: The ecommerce innovator


Complete brand control: Selling on Shopify gives you the freedom to build and customize your online store to reflect your brand identity.

App integrations: The Shopify App Store offers numerous plugins for additional functionalities, from SEO tools to advanced analytics to VAT compliance.

Direct customer relationships: With Shopify, you have direct interaction with your customers, which is great for building loyalty and repeat business.

No listing fees: Unlike Amazon, Shopify doesn’t charge per-item listing fees. You pay a monthly subscription, and transaction fees.


Customer acquisition: You are responsible for driving traffic to your store, which can be a significant challenge, especially for new brands.

Logistics management: Unlike Amazon FBA, you are responsible for managing storage, packing, and shipping, unless you partner with a third-party logistics provider.

Learning curve: Building and managing a Shopify store requires more technical know-how than listing products on Amazon.

SEO and marketing efforts: You’ll need to invest in SEO and marketing to make your ecommerce store visible in the crowded online space.

Financial considerations

Financial considerations

Amazon costs:

Referral fees: Typically range from 6% to 45% of each sale, depending on the category.

Fulfillment fees: Vary based on product size and weight.

Monthly subscription: Professional seller account costs $39.99 per month.

Shopify costs:

Subscription fees: Plans range from $29 to $299 per month.

Transaction fees: These vary based on your plan and the payment gateway used.

Additional costs: Apps and themes may incur additional costs.

Which ecommerce platform is best for you?

If you are a small business or start-up:

Shopify might be a better choice if you want to build a brand and have a unique online presence. The initial setup and marketing efforts require more work, but the long-term benefits of brand loyalty and customer relationships are substantial.

If you are looking to expand reach quickly:

Amazon is your go-to for immediate access to a vast customer base. It's ideal for sellers who want to focus more on the product and less on the intricacies of ecommerce website management.

If you value brand identity and customer relationships:

Choose Shopify. It's more work, but it gives you the freedom to build a loyal customer base and a distinctive brand identity.

If you want a hassle-free logistics solution:

Amazon’s FBA service takes the headache out of logistics, making it a great option for those who prefer to focus on other aspects of their business.



Amazon and Shopify cater to different seller needs and objectives. Amazon offers a vast audience and streamlined logistics at the cost of higher competition and lower brand control. Shopify, on the other hand, offers greater customization and brand control but requires more effort in customer acquisition and logistics management. 

Your choice of digital marketplace depends on what aspects of ecommerce are most important for your business model and long-term goals. Both ecommerce platforms have the potential to be incredibly lucrative; it's just a matter of finding the right fit for your business.

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April 18, 2024
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