Navigating the Maze of US Taxation With Expertise

We have the tools and expertise to ensure your tax return filings are accurate and compliant with all regulations, whether it’s sales tax, GST, HST, or PST, while our comprehensive nexus analysis process will help you understand in which states you need to register, collect, and remit sales taxes.

In-Depth Transactional Analysis

With LumaTax’s methodical approach, every sale, whether taxed or exempt, is analyzed and aggregated for further review, fortifying your business's financial integrity.

Understanding your sales transactions is vital for accurate tax reporting. Our transactional analysis provides a comprehensive overview of your business operations:

Total Sales Audit

Gain a panoramic view of your entire sales landscape with our comprehensive review, ensuring a holistic grasp of all financial movements.

Non-Taxed Sales Audit

Our detailed examination confirms the legitimacy of every tax exemption, safeguarding your business against potential missteps and oversights:

Exempt Customers

We'll help you identify exempt customers and ensure their purchases are accounted for correctly in your records.

Product Exemptions

Certain products or services may be exempt from sales tax. We'll identify these non-taxed SKUs and ensure they're reported accurately.

Taxable Sales Audit

Precisely evaluate and verify taxable sales. We ensure every taxable transaction aligns with current regulations, leaving no room for inaccuracies.

Recorded vs. Reported Taxable Sales Reconciliation

Discrepancies between what’s recorded in the books and what’s ultimately reported to tax authorities will happen from time to time. Our sophisticated approach meticulously aligns your recorded sales data with the amounts reported, ensuring that any inconsistencies, however minor, are identified and addressed.

With our expertise, you can be sure that every taxable sale stands up to the most rigorous of tax audits.
Sales Tax Compliance

Sales Tax Is Complicated.
We’re Here To Help.

LumaTax eliminates the need for extensive data clean-up, tax research, and manual analysis against spreadsheets and tax tables to monitor your physical and economic nexus.

Our Sales Tax Hub encapsulates our deep domain expertise to deliver unparalleled results. Combine that with our advisory experts and partners and you'll be on the right track in no time.

We have the tools and expertise to ensure your filings are accurate and compliant with all regulations.

How It Works

Streamlining Your Tax Compliance

Upload Data Securely

Upload your transactional data into our system, where it's safeguarded by state-of-the-art encryption.

LumaTax Compliance Score

Every transaction is then carefully analyzed and assigned a LumaTax Compliance Score, ensuring each one's adherence to the latest tax standards.

Validate Taxing Jurisdictions

To guarantee accuracy, each transaction's taxing jurisdiction is cross-referenced and validated against its address.

Review Prepared Returns

Once analyzed, all returns are systematically prepared. You can then review them to ensure every detail aligns with your expectations.

In-App Tax Amounts & Approvals

Easily determine tax amounts and approve payments directly within the app, simplifying your approval process.

Transmit Returns & Payments

With your go-ahead, both returns and payments are securely transmitted, ensuring timely compliance.

Determine Your Sales Tax Nexus Exposure

Understanding where your company has sales tax nexus exposure is an important step toward sales tax compliance.

LumaTax performs a comprehensive analysis to help you determine where, when, and how you create physical or economic nexus.
Our expert team will then build an action plan to help you meet your tax obligations and avoid risk.
Take Free Risk Assessment Survey

Why Does Nexus Matter?

If you sell in multiple states, even remotely, it's critical to know your sales tax nexus footprint to register, collect, and remit sales taxes appropriately. Nexus laws vary from state to state, and the rules have been ever-evolving since the South Dakota vs. Wayfair decision in 2018, which asserted that having a physical presence in a state was no longer the only qualifier for collecting sales tax.
Ignoring nexus can lead to high audit risk, and non-compliance can carry significant fees and penalties, while navigating nexus can be difficult and time-consuming to manage on your own, especially using manual tools like spreadsheets and tax tables.
LumaTax can help. With our automated data analysis and expert review, we'll help you understand your physical and economic nexus exposure and get your sales tax compliance on track.

Economic Nexus Law in Your SUT Advisory Practice

There are more sales tax considerations than ever before

In addition to highly complex laws, businesses have rapidly become more advanced. With a few taps on a screen, businesses can hire remote workers, pivot to add new product and service lines, sell direct-to-consumer, or extend their reach with omnichannel e-commerce platforms. Many exciting changes businesses implement may have surprising tax implications.

Maximize your time and resources

Spend less time waiting for information, crunching numbers in spreadsheets, and searching for sales tax answers to keep your clients on track. LumaTax can help you streamline workflows and collaborate with clients in a way that is effective and scalable

How SUT Advisory Gets Done

The old way

The LumaTax way

Reactive - wait for clients to get contacted by state governments
Proactive - help clients avoid audits in the first place.
Missing or scattered information, spreadsheets, and workbooks
Collaborate in one place
Manual consolidation
Automated calculations and analysis
Sensitive data often shared over email
Securely share sensitive data
12+ hours of work, per client
Minutes to complete
Resource restraints
Scale resources to serve more clients
Little capacity for advisory services
Expand advisory services for clients to deliver more value & drive your revenue

How It Works


Take the Survey

Complete a brief online business profile, and we'll calculate a LumaTax Compliance Score to measure risk.


Securely Upload Data

If your business is at risk, we request transaction history from your sales processing tools (such as Amazon, Shopify, and QuickBooks).


Await Nexus Analysis

Our tools automatically analyze your business profile and transaction history against thousands of state-specific rules and laws.


Take Action

LumaTax will provide a comprehensive, state-by-state nexus analysis report and the best next steps for your business.

At Risk Industries

Several key industries are more exposed to sales tax risk than others, and identifying where your company lies on that at-risk scale is essential to better understand that exposure.


Companies that sell tangible goods are in the eye of the storm under the South Dakota v. Wayfair decision. With the advent of omnichannel distribution models, marketplace facilitators, and remote sales, these companies are at the highest risk for exposure.


The manufacturing sector will often have both wholesale and retail distribution which adds a layer of complexity to determining exposure. Wholesale distribution requires an additional layer of compliance documentation to protect the business.


In many U.S. jurisdictions, software subscriptions and cloud applications are subject to tax, creating hurdles for technology companies. States are rapidly adapting their laws to tax these segments.

Digital Goods & Services

The digital economy is becoming increasingly challenging for companies as state taxing authorities often apply archaic laws to modern business models, leaving uncertainty in the Interpretation of taxability.


Need to register?

Let LumaTax handle the complexities of registering your company for sales tax and business licenses.

Once we have a clear picture of your business’s exposure following your nexus analysis, our registration module can then initiate the registration process in as many states as necessary in just a few short steps.

Competitive pricing for everyone

Feel free to book a demo session with the Lumatax team and find out more about our pricing strategy.
Book a call
Book a 30-min demo

What can you expect from the demo?

We'll analyze your business for tax compliance and provide a 30-minute personalized software walkthrough to help you understand Taxually's benefits.
Learn more about your business’s needs
Identify custom solutions for your specific case
Create a tax compliance plan of action
Trusted by 13,000+ B2B companies in over 150 countries

Feel free to book a demo session with the Taxually team

Fnd out more about our product and whether it’s a good fit for your company.
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